Wyoming's Five Dumbest Criminals of 2016
What a long, strange year it's been; especially for stupid criminals here in Wyoming. Here's a look back at the five dumbest crimes of 2016 in the Cowboy State: 1. "Hooking for cheeseburgers isn't...
View ArticleSanta Claus Breaks A Wyoming Law Every Year
Santa Claus is known across the world as Father Christmas, St. Nicholas and Kris Kringle. If the Wyoming Game and Fish Deparment ever catches up with him, he might need another alias. For years, Santa...
View ArticleUnexpected Guest Invites Self Into Pinedale Resident's Home [PHOTOS]
A Pinedale resident turned around in her living room to find an unexpected guest greeting her in the doorway. Continue reading…
View ArticleChristmas Carols In Cheyenne = Jail & Fine
Christmas carols go back to 4th century Rome, but in current day Cheyenne, they can be illegal to sing without a permit. It could get you a fine and jail time. Continue reading…
View ArticleWho Was Wyoming's Dumbest Criminal of 2016? [POLL]
2016 has been a banner year for stupid criminals in the Cowboy State. We want to know who you think was Wyoming's dumbest criminal of the year. Here are the contenders: “Hooking for cheeseburgers isn’t...
View Article104 Years Ago Today: Brawl Breaks Out On the Floor of the Wyoming State...
Jan. 20, 1913, state legislators squared off in the funniest fight fight in Wyoming history Continue reading…
View ArticleBull Elk Shops Inside Estes Park Gift Shop
The owner of gift shop in Estes Park was surprised when a bull elk wandered in and stayed for about 45 minutes. The elk was eventually lured out with apples. Continue reading…
View ArticleThrowback Thursday: World's Tallest Man Visits Wyoming
During his life, Robert Wadlow was the tallest man in the world. He may have been the tallest man to ever walk the face of the earth and is almost certainly the tallest person to ever visit Wyoming......
View ArticleMan Who Died in Yellowstone Was Lured by 'Siren' According to New Urban...
There is no way to prove that this story is real. It does use facts, but is like something from the X-Files. Regardless, it is a great Wyoming horror story. Continue reading…
View ArticleOrb Shaped 'UFO' Sighted above Worland Wyoming [VIDEO]
This video shows some unidentified orbs flying above Worland, Wyoming. They floated across the sky, then just as soon as they appeared, they were gone. Continue reading…
View ArticleIs it Illegal in Wyoming to Take a Photo of a Rabbit?
It turns out that it was a law at one point in time, but it restricted the use of photography for all game animals. However, is the old law still valid? Continue reading…
View ArticleMountain Lion and Skunk Fight Over Deer Remains in Bighorn Canyon [VIDEO]
This is not what I expected to see when a mountain lion and skunk square off over a meal. That skunk has some moxie! Both want dinner, but who wants it more? Continue reading…
View ArticleWyoming Woman Claims Yellowstone Will Erupt During 2017 Solar Eclipse...
But, scientists say the chances of this are remote for the foreseeable future. Continue reading…
View ArticleWomen Can Legally Go Topless In Fort Collins
Colorado, Fort Collins, Topless, women, legal, judge, rules Continue reading…
View ArticleBondage Website Names Wyoming's Most Popular Fetish [CONTENT WARNING]
Wyoming might seem like a modest, traditional place with All-American, small town values. Think again. There are some kinky folks here in the Cowboy State. This week, a national website serving the...
View ArticleYou Probably Weren't Born In Wyoming
Long ago, most people died within 25 miles of where they grew up. Today, people move, unless you’re from La, Mi or Ohio. Wyoming is bottom 10 staying for life Continue reading…
View ArticleFive Completely Insane Conspiracy Theories From Wyoming
Millions of conspiracy theorists all over the world believe that the moon landing was staged, that 9/11 was an inside job, or that a secret society of Illuminati covertly manipulate mass media to...
View ArticleIncredible Story: In 2015, A Colorado Homeless Man Won $500,000
Mike hit bottom but never gave up and knew his luck would change. In 2015, he beat the odds of 840,000 to 1 and walked away with $500,000. Continue reading…
View ArticleWhy Toilet Water Really Rocks In Wyoming Wind
It's been windy, so jokes about the water in the toilet came up. I mean in Wyoming, it can really rock and roll in there. I had to finally find out why. Continue reading…
View Article99 Years Ago: Casper Throws the Wildest St. Patrick's Day Party in Wyoming...
Patrick Joseph Sullivan ranks among the most prominent political leaders in Wyoming history. He is also credited for throwing the craziest St. Patrick's Day party the Cowboy State has ever seen....
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